My contractual relation with a portage salarial company

Updated on Monday 03 October 2022

I have compared the offers of the different companies, and I have now chosen AD’Missions as my portage salarial company. I have finalised discussions with my client on the scope of my assignment and my remuneration. Now I am about to step “onboard” as a consultant, and I expect AD’Missions’ team to facilitate my first formalities.

Access to the consultants’ portal

The first stage of boarding is exploring the consultants’ portal. My Regional Delegate provides me with my login details.

This portal allows me to facilitate the formalities with my client and AD’Missions. Numerous functions help me save time. I can post my purchase order, my activity report, my expense sheets, download my payslip, etc.

Drafting of the commercial agreement

The Regional Delegate assists me in drawing up the commercial agreement (also called purchase order). They may advise me with the following:

  • Defining my Average Daily Rate (ADR) depending on my experience, assignment, etc.
  • Negotiating and contacting my client
  • Answering legal questions: the Regional Delegate may also give you legal advice on the clauses of the commercial agreement concerning Professional Liability insurance, the penalties on deliverables, obligations of results, non-compete clauses, etc., as well as on the nature of the assignment.

The agreement can be filled in online via the consultants’ portal where I can also download it to fill in all the information in writing. For validation, all the parties involved within the scope of the tripartite relation with the portage salarial company must sign: my customer, AD’Missions and myself, the consultant.

As soon as it is signed, the dossier is forwarded to my Human Resource Advisor who will proceed to draw up my employment contract.

Employment contrac

The drafting of the employment contract depends on the optimisations I have chosen to include. The regional delegate presents and examines with me the different possibilities to offer me the best possible solution. They consider my profile as a consultant and my needs to propose the optimisation that best matches my needs (savings and retirement schemes, job vouchers, smoothing out of salaries, etc.)

Depending on my choice, my Human Resource Advisor finalises the temporary or open-ended employment contract and membership of the company’s top-up health insurance scheme. They proceed to fiIl out the Pre-Hiring Declaration (DPAE) and explain to me in detail the workings of the consultants’ portal, expense management, payslips, activity report, etc.

Thereupon, I can start work as a consultant with complete peace of mind and focus on the essential: my assignment.

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